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Well Pumps & Filtration Systems

Prestige Plumbing Werks proudly services ALL BRANDS of well pumps & filtration systems throughout the Litchfield County Area. Whether you're dealing with low-to-no water pressure, off-odors or quality from water pump equipment malfunctions, PPW is the local well servicing company you can trust!

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Frequently asked questions

  • Should I use chemical drain cleaners in my sinks and toilets?
    Chemical drain cleaners can be damaging to the pipes themselves and the seals of the drainage pipes if any. Not to mention drain cleaners are extremely hazardous and can damage fixtures, flooring, clothes, skin, and any else really if not used carefully. Chemical drain cleaners can also be very bad for your septic tank operation.
  • How much does a drain cleaning service cost?
    A single fixture drain cleaning can be as low as $500, but a whole house drain can go for between $1300 and $2000. We do have an entire house drain cleaning package that comes to $3500.
  • Should there be any maintenance done to my Sump Pump?
    Its highly recommended that you run your pump frequently to keep the system from seizing and not functioning when you need it most. Fill the pit and trip the float occasionally just to ensure functionality.
  • How Much Does it Cost to Replace My Sump Pump?
    If your sump pump has stopped pumping it could be a float malfunction. But if the pump itself has actually gone bad the cost to replace can very between $1000-$2500 depending on the discharge diameter size.
  • How long does a sump pump last?
    Sump Pumps are typically warrantied for 3 years but clean water pumps can last up to 15 years.
  • How much does it cost to install a new sump pump and pit?
    Typically a new sump pump pit and pump system cut into the concrete slab in the basement of your home is between $4500-$6500.
  • Should there be a check valve on my Sump Pump?
    There should absolutely be a check valve on your sump pump to keep the excess water from the discharge pipe that did not exit to the outside from coming back into the pit and tripping the pump float once again, keeping it in a constant cycle.
  • Do I have to get annual service for my water heater?
    Not all water heaters have to be serviced annually but with so many water heater styles it is important to look in your water heaters manual to see what the manufacturer recommends to uphold your water heaters warranty. As a rule of thumb, it would never hurt to flush your water heater out every year. This way you are operating your drain valve and getting sediment or rust out from the bottom of the tank. Secondly if your tank has an Anode Rod, which can also be found out from your manual, you should consider having it replaced every two years to keep the inside of the tank protected from electrolysis.
  • Is my water heater under warranty?
    You can find out if your water heater is under warranty by going to the manufacturer’s website and looking for a tab that says “Warranty Look Up” and put your model and serial number in. Most Reliable manufacturers have this option. If not, you can look to your manual for warranty information.
  • How do I get more hot water?
    Typically getting more hot water volume can be achieved by getting a larger tank style water heater or an on demand style water heater. There are ways to help increase volume with the water heater you have by adding a mixing valve and cranking up the heat. This can compromise the life of the water heater and energy costs associated with your water heater. You can do an online assessment of your home and how many live there to find out what size tank you need to better fit your families needs.
  • How long does a water heater typically last?
    Water heaters can have many different life spans. Life span can vary with water quality and installation methods. Tanks that have the shortest life spans are typically standard electric water heaters and standard Gas water heaters. These can live between 6 to 10 years on average. The next up would be oil fired or Indirect water heaters. These typically live much longer between 15 and 20 years. In demand water heaters can be very long as well but with the new technology that is to be determined. Service of your on demand water heater is critical to the lifespan and efficiency.
  • How much does it cost to replace my water heater?
    Truth is, it depends on what type of water heater you have or want to upgrade to. If you have an Electric Tanked Water Heater you can pay between $2000 and $4000. If you have a Gas water heater you can pay between $3000 and $6000. If you have an Indirect water heater (Meaning it’s piped into the boiler) you can pay between $4000 and $7000. If you have a tankless water heater you can pay between $5000 and $9000 dollars.
  • Can my water be hotter?
    Most residential water heaters have a dial on the water heater that allows you to turn up the temperature. These dials can be hidden on electric water heaters. This can be very unsafe for a homeowner to do on their own. Temperatures above 120 degrees Fahrenheit can cause scolding. And exposing high voltage electrical wires on your water heater can be lethal. Make sure you call a licensed technician to help you with this.
  • How do I get more water pressure in my house?
    You can get more water pressure by increasing pressure switch size or installing a booster pump to the system. Do not change pressure switches without updating the Bladder tank air pressure. This can compromise your tank bladder and leave the system operating incorrectly.
  • How much does it cost to replace my Well Bladder Tank?
    There are many different Well Bladder Tank sizes. You can pay anywhere from $2500-$6000 to replace your Well Bladder Tank.
  • How much does it cost to replace my well pump?
    There are different types of well pumps and price can vary depending on Horse Power, Voltage, and GPM (gallons per minute). Submersible well pumps can cost between $3000 and $6000 dollars to be replaced. A Jet Pump can be replaced for between $3000 and $5000. Just because you have no water doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to replace your pump. Call a local plumber to properly diagnose the issue before going straight to this conclusion.
  • How long does a Well Tank typically last?
    Well tanks typically last 15 years. However , typically manufacturers dont warranty these tanks that long. The quality of water can impact this life span as well as improper installation, high amounts of sediment, no regular servicing and bad pressure switch function.
  • Do I have to get my Well Tank serviced every year?
    Having a licensed plumber flush and check functionality of your well tank and appurtenances regularly can increase the tanks longevity. Well tanks can fill with sediment and rust quite commonly and flushing regularly will protect the bladder inside and the tank walls themselves as well as the functionality of the shut off valve, drain, gauge, and pressure switch which all contribute to your water being on.
  • How long do Well Pumps typically last?
    Well pumps on average last 12-15 years. However, the manufacturers typically do not warranty them for more than 6 years. A lot of things can affect these life spans. Well depth, water quality, improper installation, bad bladder tanks, bad control boxes, bad pressure switches, and in house leaks. All of these things can shorten the life of your well pump.
  • Do I need a water neutralizer?
    Ultimately a water test is the best way to determine if you need a neutralizer or not.If you get a lot of green or blue color sticking to your sinks, tub, toilet, or outsides of your pipes and shut off valves, then you may need a neutralizer in your home. A neutralizer can make your water hard so make sure that a softener is paired with your neutralizer to.
  • How much does it cost to install a water neutralizer?
    A pH neutralizer for your domestic water system can be installed for around $3500-$4500 depending on the size system that needs to be installed for your specific needs.
  • Do I need a whole house filter?
    A whole house filter is highly recommended when you have a well water system to protect your fixtures and appliances from sediment that can be picked up from your well water. Whole house filters are also highly necessary when you have any type of water treatment system to protect that system from sediment as well.
  • How much salt is in my water if I have a water softener?
    Virtually none. The salt is used to create an ionic exchange with the calcium and magnesium that sticks to the softener media to be removed by the backwash cycle. After the backwash comes the rinse which dissolves and removes the excess salt from the system leaving hardly any salt behind.
  • How long does a water softener last?
    The Answer is approximately 15 years depending on the lifetime maintenance history of the system. Some systems still work well after 20 years. Neglect will destroy the longevity of your softener as well as running the system with no salt for long periods of time.
  • How Much Does it Cost to Install a Water Softener?
    The cost to install a Water softener can vary based on the amount of bathrooms or avg water flow in your house. The average residential home can get a water softener system installed for around $4000-$6000.
  • Do I need a Reverse Osmosis System?
    A Water test is the best way to determine whether or not you don’t need a Reverse Osmosis system. However, Reverse Osmosis creates the purest form of drinking water. Reducing the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) down to less than 5ppm is how the Reverse osmosis system makes the water so clean. However, it is important to note that a reverse osmosis system should be paired with a mineral filter that adds healthy minerals back into the water to help the body correctly ingest the water.
  • Do I need a Water Softener?
    Ultimately a water test is the best way to determine if you need a softener or not. But, If you see white build up on the outsides of your faucets, shower heads, water pipes, or shut off valves, then you may need to have a water softener installed in your home. However, it is important that you have your water tested before deciding to put a system in your house to make sure that you effectively treat your water.
  • How often do I have to change my water filter?
    That depends on the quality of your water and gallons used daily. I always recommend starting by removing the filter in 2 weeks to see if there is any difference. If there is a good amount of discoloration and sediment, change your filter once a month. If there isn't much discoloration and sediment, then change it every three months.
  • How much does it cost to install a Reverse Osmosis System?
    A reverse osmosis system for POU (Point of use) can typically be installed for between $2200 and all the way up to $10,000. Depending on the technology you prefer and the amount of water you prefer to use.
  • Does My Water Treatment system need annual service?
    Typically all Types of Water treatment systems need annual service. Mostly because the media within the systems can dissolve and need to be replaced. Also, to ensure that all of the functions of the system are operating properly. If even one function is limited on most water treatment systems. The entire system can stop functioning or the media that is not removable can be damaged.
  • How much work goes into a water softener?
    Honestly, not a lot. If you make sure to keep your salt replenishment on a strict schedule you may fill the brine tank once a month at most. Highly recommend not topping off the brine tank with salt. Let it go nearly empty (Clean if possible) and then refill. This can help avoid ‘Bridging’ in the brine tank which can look like a full tank but below the top shell of salt the tank is empty, which can damage the media in the softener if left alone too long.
  • How much does it cost to install a whole house filter?
    A whole house filter can vary in size depending on how much avg water flow your house uses but a typical whole house filter costs between $1200-$2000.

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Burlington, CT 06013

(959) 590-8065

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